Reinventing the wheel - ripping CD
If you happen to be missing some nifty ripping software with bells and whistles, or urgently need to rip CD to some format -
I found icedax
as a very handy tool for that.
Especially after trying some bellable and whistling soft which is trying to either guess CD info or summon it from CDDB - and always wrong,
while CD itself provides correct text.
can extract cd text and other extended info and store it together with raw or other pcm-like formated track. One can then use all that info to encode the file into favorit format and fill in meta attributes.
Here is one example of the usage - of course you are not limited to that:
#!/bin/bash [ -f audio.cddb ] || icedax -D /dev/sr0 -L 0 -B export param="s/[^']\+//;s/'//g;s/^[:space:]\+\$//" for i in `ls *.inf`; do if [ -f ${i/\%inf/wav} ]; then AlbumArtist=$(egrep '^Albumperformer=' $i|iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf8|sed $param) Album=$(egrep '^Albumtitle=' $i|iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf8|sed $param) Artist=$(egrep '^Performer=' $i|iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf8|sed $param) Title=$(egrep '^Tracktitle=' $i|iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf8|sed $param) Num=$(awk '/Tracknumber/{print$2}' $i) flac --delete-input-file -o "$(printf %02d $Num). ${Artist//\// & } - ${Title//\// & }.flac"\ -T "Album=$Album" \ -T "Artist=$Artist" \ -T "AlbumArtist=${1:-$AlbumArtist}" \ -T Tracknumber=$Num \ -T "Title=$Title"\ ${i/%inf/wav} fi done
Now just create a folder where you'll keep the data - i.e. disk name, cd into it and run the script. Simple as that.
Link... Fri Mar 29 00:26:48 2013